Advent Calendar Ideas
Over the years my family has had myriad advent calendars. Some as simple as the cardboard-open the flap-eat the chocolate type to some pretty fancy ones full of things to do. This year…
Autumn Gratitude List
Give experiences that teach compassion and gratitude Go apple picking and learn who produces the food we eat Go on a scavenger hunt then paint rocks to paint and hide Teach the…
Things to Do with Children this Fall that Teach Gratitude
Autumn is my favorite season! Pleasant weather, changing nature, fall decorations, and autumn holidays. It’s a magical time for you and your children (or grandchildren) to spend exploring the beauties of nature and sharing…
Advent Calendar for Adults
Christmas is more than one day, it’s a season. Days and weeks are full of anticipation, excitement, and activities. But as adults, we don’t always feel the excitement just the exhaustion of long…
Easter Week Activities
Like many Christian families around the world, we put a lot of time and effort into Christmas traditions especially those that celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We celebrate during most of December…
Easter Symbols in a Can
Over a decade ago, the women’s group at my church assembled what we called “Easter Cans”. A not-so-beautiful name for a very beautiful activity to celebrate Easter. Inside the can, we placed symbols to…
Christian Passover
On the night before He was crucified, Jesus and His apostles gathered for a meal which we call The Last Supper — which was the Jewish holiday Passover. Many Christians celebrate this traditional Jewish holiday…
Twelve Free Gifts to Give this Christmas
There are at least 12 gifts that are cheaper than material gifts yet will mean so much more. Gifts that warm the heart and brighten the spirit around the holidays and bring wonderful…
No Lists, No Chores
I have 3 days off in a row. Just finished my busy time at work for the season working long days and into the evening. A lot of design work going on. Everyone’s…