Gift Giving Ideas to Boomers from Millennials
What gift do you give a Baby Boomer? The Boomer generation, for the most part, has done well financially and are at a stage where they can buy what they want. But, after decades of gathering too much stuff, many are decluttering their lives and downsizing their homes. The last thing they need or want is more things around the house. But like all humans, they want to feel loved during the holidays and that means receiving a gift or two.
Baby Boomers are redefining aging and retirement! They are active and love new experiences. Many are caregivers for aging parents and aren’t quite empty-nesters due to boomerang children. Most boomers are conscientious of their health, love to travel and explore, and love their pets. They are as unique as their Millennial children! See Gift Ideas for Millennials

So what do you give them? Again I asked my boomer cousins, siblings and in-laws what they’d like. Here are their answers:
Gift of Time
My cousin, Katie summed it up best when she said: Time with family. Not just time but unrushed, quality time. Time with no phone interruptions. It may be a family dinner, picnic in the park, hiking in the mountains, boating at the lake, or shopping at the mall, etc. It may be an invitation to have a cozy dinner and evening of games at your home. Introduce your parents to a new game and then gift the game to them. 12 Free Gifts
Give them a calendar with a schedule of activities like dinner together, game night, lunch or ice cream dates. Make sure to add these activities to your phone calendar and set a reminder!
No money? What about doing a little work around their house? The older we get it more time and energy it takes to do all the projects around the house. Work in the yard. Decorate for the holidays. Do a little cleaning and decluttering. If you live too far away, hire someone to do these things. What about getting their car detailed? (Now that’s something I want!)

Add to a collection
Most women have at one or two things that they are crazy about and collect. Others have hobbies or activities to think about. Patti has collected nativity sets for years and has well over 80 sets. She really doesn’t want or need more unless it’s a very unusual nativity set. Her son, Mitchell, vacationed in New Zealand and Australia and brought home a unique kangaroo nativity set.
What does your boomer collect?

Gift of Experience
Like the Millennials in our lives, we like new and exciting experiences and we like for you to go with us. I have to admit when my nieces Chelsie and Carol suggested going to an escape room I was a little nervous. An escape room? Escape from what? Was it a hookah bar? Could I physically make my escape? But it turned out to be the most interactive/fun thing I’ve done as a group in a long, long time! It’s all about working together and using your reasoning skills and imagination. What about an hour or two at a shooting range? Miniature golf? Ziplining?

Update “old” for “new”
Is your dad still using an old leaf blower? You know the electric-powered one that is a pain to drag around? Why not gift a new battery-powered leaf blower? Be aware of what barely functions and replace it – toaster, coffee maker, electric skillet, purse, raincoat, car, etc.

Family Photo
My kids will groan when they read this. But, getting the whole family together for a photo is next to impossible and getting them to do it without complaining? Not gonna happen. So why not you, yes you, arrange for a family photo. My neighbor and friend, Emily shares: That’s exactly what we did. When my brother was visiting with his family, he, my other brother and I arranged photos to be taken while we had everyone together. It was special to all of us. Other ideas: create a photo calendar, digitize old family movies, print a genealogy tree,

Gift Cards
Two of my friends, Ingrid and Kimmie, said gift cards to Amazon so they can purchase e-books. I usually groan when I think of giving and getting gift cards but for those who are decluttering and downsizing it’s a perfect gift. For book lovers or movie hounds, you can wrap it up in a fun way or add it to another themed gift. Check out etsy.com for some cute mugs, scarves, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and jewelry. What about a gift card for a mani/pedi, facial, or massage?
FYI: I apologize for all the links but it’s the quickest way to share photos. These links happen to be for Amazon but you can find all of these gifts at other stores, too.
Useful Gifts
My husband said “useful” gifts and my friend Donna gave me a list of useful items including Sugar Fig lip treatment and a ski mask because it’s her first winter in Connecticut and she’s freezing! Just about everyone who replied said no food, candy and or chocolate! Bath and Body is a popular choice but make sure you know their scent preferences.
Techy Things
There are lots of gadgets out there to go with our phones or help us manage what we already have. If your boomer is like me they have photos and videos scattered everywhere. What about a photo stick that searches for then saves photos and videos? Or what about something that gives their iPhone more use, maybe a lens or selfie stick. One thing I really love is my Fitbit but figuring out the right one might take some sleuthing.
Dad first commented that he’s too old to be a Boomer but then said: The best gifts I’ve ever receive except for my wives and children are: an iPad, new-fangled camera, upgraded iPad, WiFi on the cell phone, and a clamshell for making hand pies! Read about Dad’s Hand Pies!
A few other suggestions:
- A book of the month subscription
- 23 and Me DNA test – BOGO right now
- Personalized Key Chain (hand-stamped / etsy.com)
- Smart Garden Planter or Tower Garden
- My Intent Word Make Kit “What’s Your Word Maker Kit
- Car detailing
- Pay for a college course
- Online class related to a hobby
- Magazine subscription
- A night at a B&B
- Dinner theater tickets
- Viator gift card
Don’t feel like you need to spend a lot of money on a gift. For most of us, it’s the thought behind a gift.