Family Reunion Photo Scavenger Hunt
Having a family reunion? Want to capture it in a unique and fun way? On Day 1 offer a prize for the photographer in the family who captures the most unique photos using a scavenger hunt. We did this at our last reunion and it was so much fun and our photos were amazing! On the last day, we had a slideshow highlighting our busy 5 days. The “winner” — actually we had two “winners” — each received $50. The rest of us got 100s of awesome photos to cherish. We offered just 20 suggestions. Below are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing or you can go to Photo Scavenger Hunt List
There’s just one rule – a family member must be in every photo!
Adapt these to your activities
A photo of the best laugh or scream
A photo of the best theme park scream
A photo of the funniest animal at the zoo
A photo of a unique object from the hike
A photo of the best camping outfit
A photo of your favorite meal
A photo of someone sleeping

A photo of unique feet (hairy, large, etc.)
A photo of the best hairdo or “bed head”
A photo of your favorite place in the mansion/campground/beach
A photo of the best road sign
A photo of an interesting t-shirt
A photo of two people who look a lot alike

A photo of lots of hands making a heart
A photo of a human pyramid or other linking game
A photo of the babies in the family
A photo of someone eating ice cream
A photo of the family playing our favorite games

A photo of a tourist pamphlet of local activities
A photo of a spiritual moment
A photo of friendly competition
A photo of everyone with a beard
A photo of all the family born your same month

A photo of service/sharing/helping
A photo of YOUR FAMILY LAST spelled out with family members
A photo of a “fashion magazine” pose with a local statue
A photo of the number of family members at the reunion
A photo of two or more kin who share a first/middle name
A photo of a cup or something with our reunion town location printed on it
A photo of anything you find amusing
A photo of four generations
A photo of a “famous or infamous” family food
A photo of the youngest with the oldest family member
A photo of your family reunion shirt

FYI: We considered filling cars with people and giving each car a list and a time limit but with our crazy bunch we decided that was too dangerous and opted for a week-long photo shoot with a slideshow at the end. Several of my nieces have shared their digital albums full of these photos!

Oh my gosh, this looks like the best time!! I have to try this over the summer with our extended family
Nicole, it was so fun! We got amazing photos that we will love forever. The “adult” kids in the family really loved doing this (the ones 16 to 26 or so). Have fun!!!